Easy tutorial for C / C ++ - class 7 (Copy
constructor :
- A constructor that is created when an object of the
same class already created at the time of object creation is given as an
initial value. Copy the member variable values of the class to the generated
- The basic form of the copy constructor is as follows.
'Class name' (const 'class name' & 'object name');
- It treats it as a reference variable by giving an
existing object as an argument. And because you should not change the original
object, use the 'const' keyword.
- If you allocate memory dynamically within a class, you
must create a custom copy constructor to allocate dynamic memory. Let's create
a custom copy constructor with the following example.
Example Code
namespace std;
private :
int n;
int *p;
public :
t_Class(int, int);
t_Class(const t_Class &ttt);
void prn();
num, int ini){
p = new int[num];
n = num ;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
p[i] = ini;
cout << " Size : " <<
n << endl ;
cout << " Initial values :
" << endl;
cout << endl;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
cout << " p[" <<
i << "] = " << p[i] << endl;
t_Class &ttt){
n = ttt.n ;
p = new int[n] ;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
p[i] = ttt.p[i] ;
delete []p;
main() {
int n, v;
cout << " Size : " ;
cin >> n ;
cout << " Initial values : " ;
cin >> v ;
cout << endl;
t_Class x(n,v);
cout << " Results of \'x\' "
<< endl ;
cout << endl;
t_Class y(x);
cout << " Results of \'y\' "
<< endl ;
return 0;
t_Class &ttt); : The part that declares a custom
copy constructor.
= ttt.n ; : In the definition part of copy constructor, the value of
the member variable 'n' of the reference variable ('ttt') is assigned to the
variable 'n' of the copy constructor object.
= new int[n] ; : Using the 'new' operator, the pointer variable 'p' of the
copy constructor object pointed to the array to which the heap space was
= ttt.p[i] ; : The for loop is used to assign the initial value of the
array of reference variables ('ttt') to each element of the array of the copy
constructor object.
We will declare 'n' and 'v' in the main function and use
the 'cin' object to input the size and initial value of the array. And we
declared object 'x' and gave 'n' and 'v' as arguments. Let's check the output
Let's create an object 'y' using the copy constructor,
print it, and compare it.
results :
Size :
- You are asked to enter the size of the array. We'll
enter 5 here.
Size : 5
Initial values :
- You are prompted to enter the initial value of the
array. We will assign 2 here.
Size : 5
Initial values : 2
Results of 'x'
Size : 5
Initial values :
p[0] = 2
p[1] = 2
p[2] = 2
p[3] = 2
p[4] = 2
Results of 'y'
Size : 5
Initial values :
p[0] = 2
p[1] = 2
p[2] = 2
p[3] = 2
p[4] = 2
- Notice
that the result of object 'x' is array size 5, and that the initial value of
each element in the array is 2. You can see that the object 'y' defined by the
copy constructor also gives the same result.