Easy tutorial for C / C ++ - class 4 (default values of constructor and destructor)
- Let's see how to give a constructor's default value in
initialization with a constructor. When declaring a constructor within a class,
you can supply a datatype and an initial value.
- Let's look at an example.
Example Code
namespace std;
private :
int Na;
int Nb;
public :
tClass(int A = 1, int B = 2);
void prn();
A, int B){
Na = A;
Nb = B;
cout << " Na = " <<
Na << ", Nb = " << Nb << endl ;
main() {
tClass x;
cout << " x : " <<
endl ;
cout << endl ;
tClass y(3);
cout << " y : " << endl
cout << endl ;
tClass z(4,5);
cout << " z : " << endl
return 0;
- We created class 'tClass' and declared member variables
'Na, Nb'. We have created a constructor with two integer arguments. At this
time, we gave 1 and 2 as initial values.
- You created object 'x' in main function. In this case,
we created it without arguments. We then called the output function.
- When declaring object 'y', only one argument were
given. ('tClass y (3); ') Let's call the function' prn () 'to check the result.
- Then, when declaring object 'z', two arguments were
given. ('tClass z (4,5); ') Let's call the function' prn () 'to check the
x :
Na = 1, Nb = 2
y :
Na = 3, Nb = 2
z :
Na = 4, Nb = 5
- For object 'x', you can see that the
initial values of 1 and 2 of the constructor are output.
- For object 'y', only one initial value
(3) is given. At this time, 3 is assigned to the member variable 'Na' and the
member variable 'Nb' is assigned the initial value '2' of the constructor.
- In case of object 'z', initial values
4 and 5 at the time of object creation are assigned to member variables Na and
Nb and output.
Destructor :
- A destructor (as the opposite of a constructor) is a
special member function that is called when an object is destroyed and cleans
up the object.
- The destructor is indicated by a tilde (~) before the
class name. You can not specify a parameter and the data type of the return
Declaration of constructor : tClass ();
Declaration of destructor : ~ tClass ();
Definition of constructor : tClass :: tClass () {}
Definition of destructor : tClass :: ~ tClass () {}
- The C
++ compiler automatically calls the default destructor even if you do not
explicitly describe the destructor. If you need to do something special when
destroying an object, you should create a destructor and do something special.
ex) If you have been allocated memory space by dynamic memory allocation in the constructor, you need to deallocate memory allocated by the destructor.
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