
Monday, October 16, 2017

Easy tutorial for C / C ++ - Arrays 8 (Passing a two-dimensional array as an argument to a function)

Easy tutorial for C / C ++ - Arrays 8 (Passing a two-dimensional array as an argument to a function)

- Let's take a look at passing a two-dimensional array as an argument to a function.

- In a one-dimensional array, we passed the array name which represents the starting address of the array. Two-dimensional arrays are similar, but take a slightly different approach.

- Let's look at an example.

Example Code

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

void test2DA (int (*ptA)[3] );

int main() {

          int a[2][3] = {   {0,1,2},
                                   {3,4,5}  };

     for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++){
                   for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++){
              cout << setw(15) << a[i][j] ;
                   cout << endl;
         cout << endl;

 test2DA (a);
     return 0;

void test2DA(int (*ptA)[3]){
cout << " Results of function \'test2DA\' " << endl;
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++){
                   for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++){
              cout << setw(15) << *(*( ptA + i) + j) ;
                   cout << endl;
         cout << endl;

- We first declared an output function called 'test2DA'. To use a two-dimensional array as a function argument, we write the argument as follow.

void test2DA (int (*ptA)[3] );

- 'ptA' is a two-dimensional pointer variable, followed by [3] is the number of two-dimensional array columns. That is, the number of columns contained in a row.

- I made the output once in the main function and then the 'test2DA' function.

- In definition section of the function 'test2DA', we have created a statement that takes the starting address value of the 2D array and prints it.

- If you run it, you will get the following results.

results :

              0              1              2
              3              4              5

 Results of function 'test2DA'
              0              1              2
              3              4              5


- In the definition section of the function 'test2DA',
* (* (ptA + i) + j) can be substituted to a two-dimensional array of ptA[i][j]

- You can see that it is executed even if you change the argument part of function declaration part and definition part as follows.

(*ptA)[3]  --->  ptA[][3]

- Where 'ptA' represents a two-dimensional pointer variable.

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